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Water Surface Robot Rescuer
2004-06-13 15:08

Thanks to the two—year long efforts, the   Submarine Robot Research Center, Shenyang Institute of Automation under the Chinese Academy of Sciences has developed China's first water surface robot rescuer. Designed with a height less than 1 meter and a weight around 30 kg, the robot rescuer is able to make a fast advance movement at 2 — 3 m a second. The new robot is able to drag the life buoy or rope to the drowning victims or wrecking boats, though designed for the unmanned operation.

The robot rescuer looks like two small rockets tied - together with the remote signal receiving unit, compass and chips housed in its upper part and nickel—hydrogen batteries in the lower part. The robot rescuer has been tested for its performance in different experimental environments such as labs, lakes and China’s territory sea waters. The operator may take control of the robot rescuer from the distance as far as 1 km. The robot rescuer transmits through the wireless telecommunication system its data on movement, navigation angles and energy reserve to the operator. The experiments have shown that the robot rescuer is not only able to send rescuing tools to the victims in a fast manner, but also able to drag a life boat carrying 4 persons at a cruise speed of 4. 8 km per hour.

It is reported that the robot rescuer is of an excellent controllability in the context of quick starting, adjustable cruising speeds, steady movement and flexible direction turning mechanism. In addition, the designers have improved the robot's stability and wave resistance to make it able to work under severe conditions of strong waves and currents.

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